What is Normal?

Defined we see normal as two parts of the English language:

Normal – noun – the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

Normal – adj. – conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

But what does this mean for us? Well, looking at life today we can also see normal in a two-part existence.  There is the non-Christian normal and the Christian normal. Let’s dive into that for a moment.

The non-Christian normal leads us to understand the world in our pursuit of pleasure.  It’s the pleasure principle at work.  What do I mean by that? I mean that because we have a view of normal it is a pursuit of happiness that takes us down roads we should not be on.  These are the roads that lead us down paths of destruction that always seem fun, but the goal never can be achieved.  We always want more because there is nothing that can fulfill our pleasure.

This is why we see drugs, alcohol, and more that take deadly hold in people’s lives, because they just cannot understand how to overcome those things that the world tries to tell them is needed. Why? Because none of us want to be looked at as abnormal…but are we?

The Christian normal is one that leads us to pursue God’s purpose for our lives over pleasure. How does that act differently? Our priorities are different.  We no longer seek for the things that bring us temporary joy, we seek to fulfill the purpose that God has set for us. While appearing abnormal to the world, I would actually venture to say that this is the most normal thing we can be.

Think about it. When we want to use products that we buy we look to see what the purpose of that item is, and we apply the principles of that item to accomplish the purpose for which it was designed.  The owner’s manual was written by the designer to give us all the facts about it and show us the best ways to use it. We were designed by God, He is our designer, and therefore His purpose would be the most normal and natural way that we operate in this world. Even if it isn’t the way the world thinks that we should live.

How in the world can we do that? We overcome the personal insecurities that lead us to value the opinions of the world over the purposes of God in our lives. We pray, we study His manual for our lives through the scripture, and we pursue bringing purpose to our lives.

Instead of asking, “What can I do about this?” we ask, “What can be done to bring God honor and glory?” Instead of asking, “What do I need to accomplish this?” we ask, “What does God need from me to accomplish this purpose?”

That is it. That’s all. Look at 1 Peter 4:4, “They (the world) are surprised that you don’t join them in the same flood of wild living—and they slander you.” They consider you abnormal.

To the world, to be normal you have to pursue personal happiness through things that are sinful and only bring you to destruction. They consider you an oddball or a screwup when you don’t conform to their ways…but God created you, he designed you for a purpose, and truthfully the most normal and natural way we can live is in pursuit of that purpose for which we were created.

I challenge you, pursue your purpose; through God we may have pleasure or pain, but we will be fulfilled regardless. Our fulfillment will come because we are pursuing the place we were designed to be. Don’t let the misunderstandings of the world become the reasons you pursue pleasure over purpose.

“How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!” – Psalm 1:1 (CSB)

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