
There is something to be said about worshipping God in a setting that was truly intended for that moment. I truly feel that is what took place on Saturday evening as we ventured down to the Biltmore House and took in the amazing views as we took part in one of the most amazing worship services that I can remember being a part of.

As you stand there taking in the view and seeing the awesome creation of God’s wonderful creation, and sing the words to the song ‘Indescribable’ you realize the true beauty and power of the lyrics.

“From the highest of heights, to the depths of the sea…creation revealing your majesty.”.

What an amazing and renewing event to truly take in the awesome power of God. It got me thinking about the everyday power that we can all tap into with the Holy Spirit. We all have the potential of God doing something amazing in our lives if we just learn to let him do what he will and give in to his will.

I encourage you to meditate today on this scripture:

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:28-31 ESV)

What an amazing way to worship God and renew your walk with the Lord. Take the chance today to take in the beauty of God around you and thank him for the opportunity to serve him. Looking around is the way to see exactly how awesome the power of God can be in your life today.


It is a wonderful Sunday when you are sitting in service and the pastor shares something that is practical and can apply today to your life as a Christian. This was true for me this past weekend. Ryan Shirck, the new minister at Elk Park Christian Church, was sharing his message about what the church needs, and I feel that it is something we all need as members of the Church, as the bride of Christ.

The message as based around an anagram, and as many of you know from my past few months, they can speak to us in many ways, and this one is no different. The anagram is E.A.T… Engage, Apply, and Tell.

As Christians we need to engage in the church. We need to find ourselves seeking opportunities to get involved in the Kingdom of God. We should seek for times in which we can share the Gospel with someone. We should also find ourselves seeking to be involved and engaged in the Church. Building the Kingdom starts with sharing the Good News of Jesus and is story as it applies to us today. When we ENGAGE ourselves in the Church, we find ourselves happier, more energetic, and more aware of the opportunities that are available to us to share the Gospel.

We must also take the opportunity to engage ourselves with the Scripture, and then APPLY it to our lives. We must always be looking for chances to apply the Gospel in our everyday lives, whether it be a chance to share the Word, or a chance to look for God’s blessings at work in our personal lives or the lives of others. This application process develops an awareness of what God is doing in our lives.

Finally, to wrap it all up, we must TELL. The first part of this is simple and common sense, tell others of Christ…but another aspect of the Telling process is when we tell others of our needs and work together in prayer to see God in action. It is something we can all work together to see God do amazing things in his church.

Engage yourself in the Church, Apply the teachings and the Word to your life, and Tell others about Christ and your needs and become the family of God that we are to be.

Today is a day we can change, and if we are willing to EAT our spiritual food, we can grow strong in the Lord and work hard for His kingdom.


I spent last week at the beach and I realized while I was there what the Lyrics in the song “Ocean” by Ten Shekel Shirt truly mean when it comes to serving God.

Those Lyrics are:

“There’s something about the ocean, Makes me rise up and praise. There’s something about the heavens, Makes me stand in awe again. There’s something about the sunrise, Reminds me of Your faithfulness. There’s something about the ocean (Your presence), And I’m lost in love again.”

These words got me thinking about God and His love for us, but also about our love for Him.  There is something about the ocean that can make us rise up and praise God when we take in the beauty of the sea.  The sense of standing on the beach looking out over the water and seeing it go on as far as you can see will help you to realize how great God’s love for us is, as far as we can see…

As the lyrics of this song state, Creation can remind us of God’s awesome nature, of his love and faithfulness, and leave us standing in complete awe of God.  The truth of it all is, however, you don’t have to go to the ocean to take in the amazing beauty of God’s creation, look around you where you are…from the mountains with views that go on for miles to the rivers and lakes which show us the blanket of water that houses life for a number of fish and sea life; it all shows us the power, majesty, and love of our Creator.

Psalm 95 speaks to this when it says:

For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.” – Psalm 95: 3-7 (KJV)

Today, I would encourage you to just take the time to admire the beauty that is around you and enjoy the creation that God has set before you, remembering that everything we see in nature can show us the Love and Glory of God.  Trust Him today and praise Him, lose yourself in His love, for He is good!