You(th) Can Do It

The Book of Daniel has been on my mind over the past few weeks, and it has really got me thinking about the youth of this nation – most specifically the county and community in which we live.  Daniel was a spiritual rebel so to speak…as were his friends – Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (better known to many of you as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego).

Their story is key to the lives of many today…especially youth in today’s world…but a message we can all take to heart in our lives.  Daniel and his friends were teenagers…they were youth struggling to face the battles that the world wanted to throw at them…they struggled in a land where it seemed that the Government wanted nothing to do with the God that they had been raised to serve – sound familiar?

There are a few things we see in the life of Daniel that we can take courage in knowing and applying to our lives.  First – A group of four teens were able to change the mind of a King who wanted control over every aspect of the lives of his subjects.  The King wanted to make them do exactly what he wanted done…right down to their meals.  The “Government” thought they knew better on what would be healthy, what would be good for the people…what would be proper in terms of acceptance.

This is something each of us as Christians are going through today in a world where acceptance is being preached on every street corner…does it mean we aren’t tolerant?  By no means!  What it does mean is that we should do as Daniel and his friends…stand up for our beliefs.  Daniel went to the King’s men and simply asked for permission to do what the Lord would have him to do…and he started small…with the diet.  The King thought he knew what the people should eat, he told them what was good for them; but Daniel knew different and simply asked for the opportunity to go against the flow, to show the power of God.  After 10 days, he and his friends were healthier, they were in better shape…basically they only wanted to present proof that God would work in their lives – God took care of the rest.

Second – Daniel shared his knowledge.  The King was having dreams…and his men couldn’t explain what they meant…but Daniel could.  Daniel was given wisdom from God to discern the meaning of the King’s dreams…dreams that the King’s ‘magic’ couldn’t touch.

Each of us has been called daily to share our knowledge with a world searching for answers.  It might not be dreams, but there are questions that only our knowledge of God and His ways can answer.  There are answers to situations that the unchurched, non-believer goes through in which they can’t explain…and their way of answering – to turn to drugs and alcohol.  They don’t find answers, they just forget for a while…and when it comes back up…it hits them harder the second and third time around; which at that point they have more than just the original problem to worry about.

Share what you know in everyday situations…whether in word, or in action…prove to the world the existence of our God…don’t be afraid to share the love of Christ with anyone you come in contact with.

Third – Dare to be different.  It goes along with the other two, but we must dare to be different than the world around us.  Don’t do something just because everyone else is doing it – that is how we end up holding ourselves back from the blessings that God has for us.  Being different is what helps us to get through the tough times with a little extra help; help that the world doesn’t have – The Holy Spirit.

Being different is ok…contrary to popular worldly belief…being different is what sets a Christian apart from those around them.  Lives may look similar, but the difference is the heart.  Look inside your heart and trust in the Lord for deliverance from anything the world will throw at you…and I mean ANYTHING!

This brings us to the final and probably the greatest example from the lives of Daniel and his friends that will guide us in our steps…Deliverance.  Look at where being different got them…in trouble with those around them.  Does that mean we should use caution?  No…they didn’t, and because of their steadfastness in faith, they were delivered from certain death.  We can avoid death in one of two ways:  One – avoid controversy.  We can do as many of the Israelites did and cower behind the fear that the world will throw us to the lions, or throw us in the fire…or Two – dive in and hold on.

Daniel and his friends opted for the second of the two…it wasn’t easy, because death was the promised outcome…but God is stronger than the world would like you to believe.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood firm…and faced the fiery furnace.  They were thrown in, they were given no chance…but when the fire was at its hottest…they were not alone.  Because of their willingness to stand strong they had company from “the Son of God”(Daniel 3:25).

What happens next is something that would happen if we would all stand firm…conversion.  King Nebuchadnezzer’s life was changed because these 3 teens were willing to stand for their God.  He declared that anyone who did something against the God of these three would face death…because he realized the power of God for those who believe in him.

Daniel accomplished the same when he was thrown into the lion’s den…his faith caused the taming of the lions so much so that it made a difference when they opened the pit.  The King had not wanted to throw Daniel in, but he did because of pressure…not unlike pressures we feel daily in this world; but the result…another decree declaring the power of God.

Let’s change the world…youth can do it…and so can adults.  We are all children of the same God Daniel served.  Let’s turn the world on its ear and evoke the same response as that found in Daniel 6:26-27:

“For he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.  He delivers and rescues; he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, he who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions.”

— Daniel 6:26-27 (ESV)


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:1-2, ESV

When we think of shelter, many of us tend to lean toward protection and safety. Shelter is something that many of us value and that we all want to find.  We think of Shelter in times of storm and trouble; we think of shelter in times of tribulation.

When we think of trials and tribulation, storms and trouble, we tend to think about events that can tear apart our lives at the seams.  It doesn’t always have to be a literal storm we are facing; sometimes it may be the storms of life that are bringing us down.  It could be that diagnosis that we unexpectedly got from the doctor that has left us questioning; it may be that fire that took away all our possessions, or maybe even the traffic accident that nearly took our life from us, or the loss of a dear loved one and the uncertainty of where things will go from there.

Whatever the trial we face, God has promised us that the outcome will be under his control, all we must do is trust in Him completely.  Why do we find it difficult to trust in the Lord with our circumstances?  Why do we find difficulty in turning over things to God?  Why do we wait so late in our situation to trust in Him when He has promised us safety and shelter?

Look back at the verse I opened this with, “He who dwells in the shelter…”  We are protected when we spend our lives within the Shelter of God.  But what does this mean?  How do we dwell in that shelter?  We devote ourselves to His word and make it a vital part of our lives.  If we embrace his word and allow it to infiltrate our everyday lives we can see this played out each day.

This doesn’t mean that we will always stay clear of the storms, but it does mean that we will praise Him through the storms and that we will have shelter during the storm.  He is our ever-present shelter in the time of storm.  He is our protector, defender, savior and friend.  He is our help.  He is our Father, who loves us and wants nothing but the best for us.

Are you facing a storm today?  Seek Shelter from the Almighty and trust in His ways.  Remember that He controls the storm, He walks on the waves, and just the sound of His voice will quiet the storm and provide calm.

“And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” – Matthew 8:24-27, ESV

This man is Jesus, let Him calm your storm.

Missing Mayberry

I have been thinking lately about the simple life of Mayberry that we see on the Andy Griffith Show.  What happened to the days where we could be a community, where folks trusted one another, where people enjoyed a good church service and a get together where they weren’t afraid to sing praises to our Lord. What happened to these days?

We live in a time of corruption; we live in a time where folks have turned their back on the old way of life.  Many seem to have forgotten where we come from.

Looking back to Mayberry, I think we can all see a way that life could be simpler for us.  We must learn to trust the Lord and trust one another again.  The problem is, no one cares these days if they are trustworthy.  People are too busy trying to look out for themselves and forget to look out for one another.  We forget that we are to be praying for one another.  We forget that we are to be showing the love of Christ to others and we forget that we need to band together as a community.

Ephesians 5:15-21 tells us about what has happened to our way of thinking:

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

We must watch out for our steps, we must guard our actions, but we must also watch out for each other today.  We can’t be afraid to allow God to work in our lives.  We don’t have to miss Mayberry today, we can pray and get ourselves back to those days.  There is nothing wrong with the old way of life. What is wrong is our perspective.

I encourage you today to think back to how things used to be and see what changed.  I guarantee you that you are the one who has changed, the Savior is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Fly Like an Eagle

A verse that has always been a strong part of my life, and I know has also been a favorite for many is Isaiah 40:31 which states, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

This verse was a favorite of both of my parents, as well as a verse that became a major part of my life because of the meaning that we see in it.  “But they that wait upon the Lord…” is a promise for each of us.  If you can be patient and wait on the Lord’s timing things will fall into place.

To me, this is saying, wait on what God has for you; do not try to pursue a life that may not be within the realm of His calling.  Do not try to force his hand and jump head first into something without prayer and application of the scripture.  God wants us to wait for His timing so that His work in us can be made perfect.

This verse continues with the promise, “…shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles…” We shall mount up as eagles if we just wait.  We may be worn down and ready to give up because we just don’t understand what is taking so long sometimes, but today I encourage you to wait.  Wait because our strength will be renewed; our strength will be restored…we will be lifted up.

We will run and not be weary and walk and not faint…nothing can overtake us when we are patient with the Lord and wait upon his timing.  God has a plan for us today, and when we are patient and wait for that fulfillment we will be blessed; we will be restored; we will feel renewal.  Revival happens when we ask the Lord to move and wait on His move rather than pursue it with our own motives.

Fly like an eagle today, wait on the strength the Lord will provide and mount up with wings like an eagle.  Fly majestically and beautifully through the plans of the Lord in your life while pursuing Him and His timing.  Spread your wings and embrace all that He has for you today and allow Him to complete His work in you in His way and His time.

If we today can be patient, waiting for the Lord while working to live a life worthy of His calling on us, we will soar above all that will come our way.  Nothing will be able to pull us to the ground, we will rise above it all and become what He wants us to be, all because we were willing to be patient and trust in His plans.  Today, you can fly like an eagle if you put your trust in Him.