Rise Above Hate

I feel this explanation needs to be heard:

Just because I stand up and speak out against injustice does not mean that I support another form of injustice. It means that I recognize the wrong that was done and I am standing up and saying I cannot and will not support that; which is exactly what I say about the other injustice as well. (IE – Hate does not cure hate, Violence is not the answer, etc.)

Since when did showing the Love of God to those around you become a hate crime against any group of people? We as Christians have become slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to anger during these times. I have slowed down, listened to the hurts, and chosen the path of love to try and help those who are hurting regain some sense of hope in God’s people again. If that is a problem to you, please prayerfully reconsider that stance.

I will never stand for the use of violence to prove a point in a hateful and disgusting manner, but what is being said across the board is quite disgusting in it’s own right…especially from many who claim to be followers of Christ. Christian, RISE ABOVE HATE! Caring for your fellow man does not have to come with hating someone else. I choose to love all, because Christ loved all and instructed me to do the same. “This is my command to you, love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)”

There is pure evil acting out during these times, the thing is it is being called out by those that many of you are so quick to judge and place the blame on. Watch and listen, really listen, and recognize that not everyone who is standing for what they believe in are instigating.

Let’s look at it this way, there are quite a few saying that we should support law enforcement because not all cops are bad, while completely trashing any form of peaceful protest, which is also as protected by the Bill of Rights as the meeting of the Church. So let them, the peaceful are not the cause of the problem. There are some who are joining in who are causing unrest and looking to cast the blame on others to continue to stir hatred rather than peace.

I recommend that rather than getting angry and lashing out, we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked way of hatred. Listen to the voices crying out from all sides (the voices of the meek, the humble, the broken…as well as the angry, delusional, etc.) We must be willing to set aside our own prejudices to recognize they are not helpful to bring peace. Prayer is the answer to much of what is causing us problems to day. Prayer for the hurting. Prayer for the broken. Prayer for those who wrong us. Prayer for the angry. Prayer for the enemies. Prayer for ALL, not just those who agree with your points of focus.

How do we expect anyone to see the LOVE of GOD in our actions when we have removed it so that we can throw our personal opinions and pointed attacks at them, all of which is based in our personal prejudices. Think about it. Please. This is the part we keep forgetting…

“If my people who are called by my name WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES and pray, seek my face, and TURN from their wicked ways… (2 Chronicles 7:14a)”

“Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and HE will lift you up. (1 Peter 5:6)”

Humility begins by recognizing that we may not have it all figured out…we may not have all the answers…but God’s Word has the answers. It starts with our willingness to set aside anything that causes PRIDE within us.

“A person’s pride will humble him, but a humble spirit will gain honor. (Proverbs 29:23)”

Pride causes our prejudices, our prejudices cause our angry responses, and the snowball is rolling full-steam ahead.

Think of this:

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in HIS wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of HIS Glory and GRACE.”

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