
Accountability. A word we keep hearing tossed about today. Should we hold one another accountable?

We should most certainly hold one another accountable…but, let us also not forget that we too are in need of accountability. Holding one another accountable means that we should also be willing to come to terms with our own short-comings. We should also recognize that we are only responsible for our own short-comings and not the short-comings of another.

We have been offered grace and mercy in Christ:

  • Grace – the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners
  • Mercy – compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm

We are also called to be like Christ, meaning we should be willing to also offer that same gift to others. Too often we are pushing to destroy rather than heal. Look at John 8:

“Teacher,” they said to him, “this woman was caught in the act of committing adultery. In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” (v. 4-5)

When they persisted in questioning him, he stood up and said to them, “The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her.” (v. 7)

They dropped their stones. (v. 9)

Unfortunately there are times that things must come to light and sometimes it is after someone is gone. Attention must be brought to their situation, and we can all learn from the misdeeds, but in an educational way, ensuring that someone is caring for those who are broken and devastated by the situation.Sadly, those who have passed and have their deeds exposed will have to account for that with the Father.

Hopefully, those who have passed had accounted for and repented prior to their departure from this world. And, hopefully, those who are left hurting because of their misdeeds will find healing in the truth and grace of God.

For all of us, however, attention will be brought to our sins, and in some ways publicly, but should we cast stones? Casting stones is our public defamation of someone, continually heaping insults and reminding of their shortcomings publicly, many times, in the hope that no one will see our own. Where is our grace and mercy?

What stones are we looking to throw today?

Are we willing to come to terms with our own sinful nature?

Are we willing to drop our stones in favor of grace and mercy?

One day, we will all answer to God for our sins, whether in repentance or in judgement, but our sins will be on display in some way.

Those who wished to stone the woman that day left, dejected that they weren’t able to cast the stone, yet they left with their secrets…and she left restored because Jesus, the only one who could have cast a stone, chose not to.

“Where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?” (v. 10)

“Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” (v. 11)

“For the Son of Man did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.” – John 3:17

It is worth thinking about today.

Choose Life!

To start, let me say – I am all for the right of a woman to choose, but hear me out before you cast judgment on this statement.

I believe that we have lost sight of the fight today.  We must understand something that goes much deeper than just the surface arguments.  Before I explain the opening comment…let me explain what life is.

Life is a precious gift from God. Humans are the only creation of the Almighty that He formed by hand and breathed the breath of life into.  Created in His image, both male and female (Genesis 1:26-27). The Book of James tells us that our plans are feeble and that life is but a vapor or a mist (James 4:14), a here today, gone tomorrow mentality. Society has told us that “Life is what you make it” – but I would argue, what if you don’t get to make it?

All human life is important to the One who created it, because it is His masterpiece. Created in the image of the Almighty, human life is special. We were created for a purpose, with a purpose. Rick Warren, in his best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life, opened the dialogue with four words…”It’s not about me.” At some point, we have to realize the truth of this statement. Somewhere along the way we have become selfish and decided that one life, in many cases our own, is more important than another. We have argued and violently battled over the right to say we are the best…at the dangerous cost of other lives. We have adopted a mentality of “if I can benefit, I don’t care who suffers” – and this has included the loss of millions of innocent lives.

The deepest of human desire is to live as we wish. Don’t believe me? Then explain the mottos carried by society of “you only live once” or “living my best life.” We have become so focused on living the life we see as our best, that we are willing to sacrifice others without even knowing. Society has adopted a “whatever it takes” mentality. We have decided that death is sometimes just a stepping stone or a paver in the highway of life. We have determined that if someone has to suffer, or even die, for us to achieve the goals we feel are ours, so be it! We have lost our way!

Wait, what?

Yes. We are willing to destroy others to get where we wish. “But preacher, I don’t wish death on anyone!” – don’t you? Your actions tell a different story. What are you doing to ensure the sanctity of life? What are you doing to secure safety for everyone? What are you doing to ensure that your decisions have no collateral damage? Are you fighting injustice? All injustice? Are you protecting the innocent?

It is a lot to ponder.

God created you with a purpose. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139). Don’t believe that life begins in the womb? He told Jeremiah that He knew him in the womb, before he was in the womb, that he had made plans for him to be a prophet to the nations…before any of that (Jeremiah 1:5). Why do we think it would be any different for us? He has known you, before the world knew you. He knew the ones who were taken out as you climbed the ladder of success; He knows those who the world has never met. Life is sacred. It is the greatest of God’s creations.  We are the greatest of His creations.

Choose Christ. Choose hope. Choose forgiveness. Choose Life!

As I said, I’m all for the right of a woman to choose what to do with her body. I am not, however, for the right to choose when another life is at stake. I am for the woman’s right to choose not to partake in the activities that might lead to finding herself in the situation where she makes a choice that takes the life of another. Again, Biblically speaking, it appears that all life begins at conception.

“For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.” – Psalm 139:13-14

But what if she didn’t make the choice that got her there? Fair point, but, I would still argue that the life at stake deserves a voice. Will it hurt for her to live through this? Yes. Will it be worth it? I also believe the answer is yes.

I would encourage us to look at it that God creates all of us with a purpose…including those who are born because of these circumstances. All life is sacred. I would fight for the lives of the elderly, the disabled, and the marginal in the same way.  All life is sacred and all life is worth something to the One who created it.  This isn’t about condemnation of those who have or even will make this choice, their life is important too…this is about the fact that God offers restoration and hope. God offers forgiveness for all who will not reject His gift.

Jesus came to save the world. Jesus came to offer hope. He didn’t come to condemn those in the world, he came to save us from worldly ways (John 3:16-17). Don’t you think that everyone deserves the same chance that you were afforded? Especially since that same provision was also made for them…at the same time it was made for you? Thank God that no matter what you’ve done, you were worth His sacrifice; and, if we are created in His image, isn’t another life worth ours? No matter what it may mean for the so-called plans that we have?

“It isn’t about me.”

It truly isn’t about you or me. It is about Him. It is about preserving His image – the Creator of all life, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the End, the Author, and the Finisher of our faith. The One who knew us long before the world knew us and the One who knows those the world has never known.  He has loved us from the start. He has loved us, in spite of us. He loves us, unconditionally.

Our choices should never take the life of another. From the womb to the tomb, all have a right to life that we as the church must protect. Protect the innocent and give them a voice; but, do not condemn those who have made or are facing this difficult decision, because they need love too. They are hurting, they need hope, they need to know that they are loved and can be forgiven. God’s grace can cover a multitude of sins. Including yours.

Invite them to “Come and See” that the Lord is good.

“Love one another as I have loved you.” – Jesus

What are THEY Seeing?

Dear Christian:

Hate doesn’t fit you. It isn’t your color.

What I am seeing is not an attack on Christians from the outside…but it is an attack from the inside of each one (James 4:1-3). The battle to be right, to taste the same fruit that Adam and Eve partook of, the lies of the enemy being told to each of us that we need to pursue power and strength. It’s the literal pursuit to “be like God.”(Genesis 3:5)

Question: When did pursuit of our rights and freedoms mean that we could ignore the core of Jesus’ teaching?

Sure, we want to fight and defend, but when it comes to our “rights and freedoms,” those come from God. Why would we expect a world that put Christ on a cross to be any less brutal to those who follow him? Why would they show us respect and love?

NEWSFLASH: Stop trying to change the world to be like you or see things like you. THEY HATE YOU AND THE GOD YOU SERVE!

Why should we expect comfort and ease? Jesus said it would be troublesome. Jesus told us to have no fear because He had already won (John 16:33). So why fight against one another for our opinions and earthly alliances? I would rather not argue about earthly powers or rights, and I hope you would feel the same. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and one day we will be with Him. Until then, we are charged to bring as many with us as we can… (Matthew 28)



Not arguments and pushing agendas…love.

Not force and anger…love.

This is why all of this is so hard. We are losing our minds over a battle that has already ended. Let’s take a look at history. Remember the Pharisees and Sadducees?

The “Religious Right” has become today’s Pharisee order, seeking the militant Messiah that they feel will change the world and win it on the back of war…Fighting the modern Sadducee for control of a government that is evil, and blasting those who believe God when He says He is in control (IE – “You can’t be a Christian if…”, etc.). And yet, they do not see it. Both sides claiming to have religious belief, touting a God who supports their agenda, and neither following the Word of God…it is evil. All of it.

What are we afraid of? Losing our comfortable religion? He never said it would be easy. He never said we wouldn’t face troubles and trials. He never said we wouldn’t be challenged. What He did say was, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15)

What is that love?

It is not name-calling. It is not race-baiting. It is not breaking and entering. It is not burning down the world until someone sees things your way. It is not evil.

Love is patient. It is kind. It is peaceful. It doesn’t brag on itself. It holds no records of wrong. It is not arrogant, rude, or self-seeking. Love endures all things. Love hopes for a brighter day. God is Love, and Love NEVER fails. (1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4)

That love went to a cross and gave His life for those He came to save…

That love.

Sacrificial love.

True love.

What we are seeing is not love.

The “Right” is evil. The “Left” is evil. It is all evil. We are claiming it is a spiritual war…that war is inside of you right now. Using God’s name in vain to push your political ideas and agendas is not right. It is evil…and the saddest part? Decent people are falling victim.

What have we become? We have become like Babylon.

The flag has become a graven image that we would rather worship than the one who died to give us true freedom, and we are worshipping it as such. Our rights, our freedoms, all idols, we would rather save those than love our brother.

Just remember. The “Religious” of the day missed it when Jesus came because He was not the Messiah they were looking for. What are you expecting to happen?

Is it too much to put politics aside and love one another? Is it too much to stop dividing the body of Christ over worldly issues? Is it too much to have love for your fellow man?

We are told they will know us by our love…not our agendas. It is okay to love your country. It is not okay to put that love above the love for your brother or sister in Christ.

What are THEY seeing today?

I love you…

Your Brother in Christ

PS – When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child and reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put away childish things…(1 Corinthians 13:11)

Get it Together!

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. “ – 1 Corinthians 12:12

The body has many parts. What a comparison Paul makes to show us how we are to work together in harmony as those created in the image of the Almighty God. We have often applied this within the Church, looking at the differences that make up the whole, and talking about how that is supposed to work together.

Paul reminds us that a head cannot tell a foot it doesn’t belong. He reminds us that an eye cannot say to a hand, “I don’t need you.” And, we have taken this and applied it within our churches to say, “We are all different, but our mission is the same.” So where have we gone wrong?

We have lost sight of this teaching, both inside and outside of our churches. We are one body with many parts, but, it is not us who puts the body together – which is a good thing; seeing as most of us would like to make everyone else like us because then we would have the same opinions (Remember Paul’s warning: An eye cannot say to a hand, “I don’t need you.”). God is the one who puts the body together:

“So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:24b-27

Not only did God put it together…He did it with extra honor and care for those who may not seem as significant. Wait, what? God gave extra care to those who were deemed to be lacking. What that says is that if your brother or sister is feeling like things are against them, down and out, “lacking” as the verse calls it, God gave a little extra care and honor to. Why? Because He was evening the odds, God intends for all to be on a level playing field.

If one part suffers, all parts suffer. If one honored, all are honored. A success of one is a success of the whole! Think of it this way. The Appendix is considered useless in many respects, also the Gall Bladder in some ways, both of them can be lived without, but they are part of the body. If either of them suffer, become sick, infected, inflamed, etc., the WHOLE BODY suffers. When they go bad, the body becomes ill and does not function well.

We can and do apply this in the church, but what about society? We are all a part of the whole. If one part suffers, we all feel that pain. Based on this scripture alone, we have the responsibility to stand with that part who is hurting, comforting them, because if they are suffering, so is the body as a whole. Jesus reached out to the marginal of society and showed them extra care because they were part of the body and that honor and care leveled the playing field.

Yes, we are individuals.

Yes, individuals make up the community.

Yes, we are all created in the image of the Almighty.

And yes, we are to love one another as we have been loved. Because, at one time or another, we were a part of that group that was lacking; we didn’t have it all together and we still don’t many times. And at those times, God reaches out and does a little bit extra to even the odds and bring us back up to where the rest of the whole is. Again, why would God spend a little more time and care to honor those who are lacking?

“This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. (v. 25)”

It brings us together. We should strive to be like Christ, it is what the name Christian means – to be Christ like. We should take the time to reach out to those who are hurting, no matter what their opinions are. Our example may be the opening the Holy Spirit needs to compel them to the Gospel message they so desperately need. “Love one another as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

Whatever your opinion on politics, social agendas, religion, etc. you should be loving others as you have been loved. We are called to love, not present our opinion and push others away because they do not agree with us.

It is best put this way:

“All of you together are part of Christ’s Body, and each of you is a part of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27

I challenge you, today; embrace not only the part you play, but others in their role, as we all make up the whole of the Body of Christ.

Do not let these times cause division and dissension among the Body. We are ALL a part of it. Let’s stop focusing on what divides us and focus on the larger picture of what brings us together. So what if you’re a Republican or Democrat, we are all American! So what if you are Baptist or Presbyterian, we are all Christians! Do not let our differences be the downfall of the Body of Christ.

Rise Above Hate

I feel this explanation needs to be heard:

Just because I stand up and speak out against injustice does not mean that I support another form of injustice. It means that I recognize the wrong that was done and I am standing up and saying I cannot and will not support that; which is exactly what I say about the other injustice as well. (IE – Hate does not cure hate, Violence is not the answer, etc.)

Since when did showing the Love of God to those around you become a hate crime against any group of people? We as Christians have become slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to anger during these times. I have slowed down, listened to the hurts, and chosen the path of love to try and help those who are hurting regain some sense of hope in God’s people again. If that is a problem to you, please prayerfully reconsider that stance.

I will never stand for the use of violence to prove a point in a hateful and disgusting manner, but what is being said across the board is quite disgusting in it’s own right…especially from many who claim to be followers of Christ. Christian, RISE ABOVE HATE! Caring for your fellow man does not have to come with hating someone else. I choose to love all, because Christ loved all and instructed me to do the same. “This is my command to you, love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)”

There is pure evil acting out during these times, the thing is it is being called out by those that many of you are so quick to judge and place the blame on. Watch and listen, really listen, and recognize that not everyone who is standing for what they believe in are instigating.

Let’s look at it this way, there are quite a few saying that we should support law enforcement because not all cops are bad, while completely trashing any form of peaceful protest, which is also as protected by the Bill of Rights as the meeting of the Church. So let them, the peaceful are not the cause of the problem. There are some who are joining in who are causing unrest and looking to cast the blame on others to continue to stir hatred rather than peace.

I recommend that rather than getting angry and lashing out, we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked way of hatred. Listen to the voices crying out from all sides (the voices of the meek, the humble, the broken…as well as the angry, delusional, etc.) We must be willing to set aside our own prejudices to recognize they are not helpful to bring peace. Prayer is the answer to much of what is causing us problems to day. Prayer for the hurting. Prayer for the broken. Prayer for those who wrong us. Prayer for the angry. Prayer for the enemies. Prayer for ALL, not just those who agree with your points of focus.

How do we expect anyone to see the LOVE of GOD in our actions when we have removed it so that we can throw our personal opinions and pointed attacks at them, all of which is based in our personal prejudices. Think about it. Please. This is the part we keep forgetting…

“If my people who are called by my name WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES and pray, seek my face, and TURN from their wicked ways… (2 Chronicles 7:14a)”

“Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and HE will lift you up. (1 Peter 5:6)”

Humility begins by recognizing that we may not have it all figured out…we may not have all the answers…but God’s Word has the answers. It starts with our willingness to set aside anything that causes PRIDE within us.

“A person’s pride will humble him, but a humble spirit will gain honor. (Proverbs 29:23)”

Pride causes our prejudices, our prejudices cause our angry responses, and the snowball is rolling full-steam ahead.

Think of this:

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in HIS wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of HIS Glory and GRACE.”



The word of the day…covering so many different things at this point, and yet doing none of them any justice whatsoever.





We claim we love our fellow man, but that sometimes depends on the color of his skin or his situation, right?

We claim we love our fellow man, but that depends on his social status and bank account, right?

We claim we love our fellow man, but that depends on whether he agrees with our opinion, right?

We claim we love our fellow man…

But what does that depend on for you? When will we take a stand? Jesus stood with the marginal, he didn’t destroy them, he loved them. To him, there was no Greek and no Jew, no male and no female, no rich or no poor…why?

Because his mission was to come and seek and save that which was lost, not qualify them into groups and claim that one group didn’t qualify based on race, social standing, or wealth. Jesus died so that we didn’t have to, Jesus died so that they didn’t have to, He died to give us a chance for redemption…

So, when did we begin to feel that it was okay for us to take their lives in our hands and lay down judgment for their perceived sins? When did it stop being “Thou shalt not kill,” and become, “But he deserved it.” Did he?

Church, when will we stand for those who Christ stood for? The weak, the wounded, the hungry, the cold, the broken, the outcast…they all have a seat at his table, so why not ours? We have become nothing more than the Pharisees and Sadducees of our day, casting out judgment because someone doesn’t look like the rules we made, while ignoring what the scripture says…

What does the Scripture say?

“Stay far away from a false accusation. Do not kill the innocent and the just, because I will not justify the guilty.” – Exodus 23:7

“Be Holy, for I am Holy.” – Leviticus 19:2, 1 Peter 1:16

“Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive. Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” – Colossians 3:12-14

What do we do? We are told we can’t take a stand for the marginal because we will face adversity…so what? Do what is right…do what is just…do what Jesus did, because it is through us loving like he loved that we can turn heads and awaken the souls of man.  His Spirit will do the work if we allow that Spirit control of us. How many more have to die before we finally stand up? How many more will have to face an earthly judge who knew nothing about them but maybe their last 5 minutes?

How can we find courage?

How about from the first church? They faced the adversities of the day, and they kept on, even if it meant their own fall.

It takes courage to stand up against the crowd; unshakable and uncommon courage will be our strength to stand against the masses and declare that we will stand on God’s Word and against injustice.

Jesus said, “This is my command to you, love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than to give one’s live for a friend, you are my friends if you do as I command you.” – John 15:12-14

Acts 18:9 tells us, “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.” If your convictions as a Christian weigh you down over injustice, then do something. Speak out, do not let it sit within you.  If you are grounded in God’s Word and it rips you apart based on that Word, then say something, because a conviction includes your values, your commitments, and your motivations. If all of those scream injustices, stand up…fill the gap.

Our convictions determine our conduct, and if we are guided by the Holy Spirit, those convictions will cause us to stand and act!

Howard Hendricks said, “A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for!”

Jesus died because of His conviction to right the wrong caused by sin…why are we now so willing to give sin the right-of-way in the world today? His conviction brought salvation while our lack of conviction pushes others away.

It starts with calling a spade a spade…

It starts with calling out the wrongs…the sins…the injustices around us…

It starts with us, because no one else can act on the convictions you have. No one can stand on your convictions, they are yours; and, if guided by the Holy Word of God and Holy Spirit, they are the convictions that we as the Church must stand on as well, and dare i say, maybe even die for.

Do not get this wrong…not just any conviction because of what you heard your neighbor say, but biblical conviction should lead us to right the wrongs if we can. Look to the Word of God for guidance, stand firm on that Word, and, “Do not be afraid. Keep speaking. DO NOT BE SILENT.”

How Should We React?

I’m not sure how to even begin this discussion…

Social issues around us in this world seem to come and at times we just do not know the words to say.

This is one of those times…

Like so many times before…

We are left speechless by the anger and hatred that we see around us. We are disgusted by the arguing and divisiveness of some who feel that they must argue everything that happens around.  We are broken when we see another life taken in what may or may not be a senseless act of violence.  We cry for the families, we cry for justice, we cry for a fix…we simply cry.

There are many reactions to things that happen.  There are many times that Racism, Sexism, and many other isms enter our conversations and break us without warning….so how can we address those in a sensible and humble way? How do we address them and still keep our faith? How do we address them without joining in the arguing, back-biting, and anger?

Look to Jesus…

It is ok for us to start conversations…but is it ok for us to take justice into our own hands?

The simple answer? NO.

When we take justice in our own hands, it leads us into anger, resentment, and ultimately sin. It may not be our place to react violently or aggressively.  In fact, if we do, more often than not we stir up anger and resentment in others which leads to a number of issues that become name-calling and arguing.  The social media danger is that we become brave, and a little thoughtless, behind a keyboard. We think that because we are not face to face with someone that our words and response will not have result other than a back and forth…

“In your anger…do not sin.”

Oh…what are you posting out of anger? Cursing? Demeaning? Slander?

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come from your mouth.”

When we are angry, we lose control at times. Most of those times we justify our statements with statements like, “They started it,” or, “I couldn’t help it, I was just so angry.” Again, anger and frustration are not a license to sin, in fact the instruction is very clear, “In your anger, DO NOT sin.”

How do we overcome this evil with good? We pray.  We allow God to work in the situation and we continue to pray for our enemies.  Pray for those who persecute, you and others. Pray for those who are going through the hard time.

I’m not saying sit back and watch it happen, say something, call authorities, help get someone involved, but justice isn’t ours to serve.

In fact, to take it a step further…what would Jesus do? Well, what Jesus did was take it to the cross.  He died for those who are being mistreated and, believe it or not, for those who are doing the mistreating. It could be your sensible and Christian influence that will allow the Spirit of God into the situation to work on the heart of others. God can do so much where we feel helpless, but it starts with you bringing Him into the circumstance.

We can see God move in a mighty way, but the first step is to react in a right manner and not cause more struggle because of our ungodly behavior.  Please think about it.  Please pray about it.  Please love one another as Christ has loved you.

Pray Without Ceasing

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – “Pray without ceasing.”

These words are amazing…and the idea is much more difficult than it may sound.  How do we pray without ceasing?

Life happens…it’s hard sometimes. That is understandable, and life sometimes seems to get in the way of our prayers.  We find ourselves too busy to slow down and pray…

So, how do we find the time, especially in a difficult time like this?

For some, time may have been given to them due to circumstances surrounding them; for others, time has been taken away by a busier schedule than expected. But are we using the time we have wisely?

Prayer is our lifeline to God.  Prayer is our way of communicating with the Creator.  Prayer is our way of making our needs known (not that God needs that, but he needs us to understand them before we can receive them).

So how do we find time? Make it your life.  Not just part of it.  Make it all of it.  Praying without ceasing seems to lead to the idea that the line of communication is open continuously.  There is not a need for us to feel we have slighted God because we have been in constant contact with Him. Begin your day by greeting Him, take the conversation into the shower, the drive to work, and even into the office. Continue talking with Him over lunch, through the afternoon, and the drive home.  Continually talk with the One who knows you better than anyone else.

This will ensure that your line of communication is not lost somewhere in translation. God wants to hear from you, this is why He opened the line 24/7. This is why we are instructed to pray without ceasing.  Continuous prayer will ensure that we are doing what we can to follow the path that He is setting before us, because our minds will be continuously on Him.  We will be seeking for His answer and searching for His truth.

Life can be about prayer, as well as other things, it doesn’t have to be a show, but try it for a time and see if it doesn’t help your focus to become more intent on the One who can deliver you from the struggles of this life. Pray Continually. Don’t let the world drag you down, continue to pray to the One who holds the world in His hands.

I do hope that we can all settle down during this time and find rest in knowing that the Creator of the world loves to hear from His children. That we as His own can be in constant contact with the One who knows us intimately; and that we can cast our cares upon Him, because He truly cares.

Don’t let things drag you down…open that line of communication with Him and pour out your heart. There is blessing in getting to know the One who holds tomorrow in His hands.  There is peace in getting to know the Father who will never leave or forsake His children.  There is hope in knowing that we are always just a prayer away.

Where is the Hope?

Hope …

Seems like a far-off, fairy tale at this point for many.

Hope seems fleeting and no one wants to address it in a civilized manner anymore either.

To quote Chuck Colson, “Where is the hope? I meet millions who tell me that they feel demoralized by the decay around us. Where is the hope? The hope that each of us have is not in who governs us, or what laws are passed, or what great things that we do as a nation. Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people, and that’s where our hope is in this country; that’s where our hope is in life.”

Colson nailed it.

For a moment, think with me about all of this…

Our hope isn’t in the reopening of our businesses or in them remaining closed

Our hope isn’t in a government or a change.

Our hope isn’t in the selfishness that lies in what we think should happen.

Our hope isn’t in a bottom line, but a bloodline of the One, True God.

Our hope is in the love that we are called to show one another.

Our hope is in caring for one another and not trying to determine who is right and who is wrong.

Our hope is in Jesus Christ – In Christ ALONE.

Can we please stop trying to tell others that we do not care about them by saying we are going to go out and do what we want? Can we please show compassion on the ones who are also struggling, but while struggling are scared of what this virus will do to them? Can we please show the world what Christ’s love looks like and not what selfish desires look like?

Before you get angry about the things I am saying. Think real hard about how you are treating others or how you are seeing others treated. We are not all going through the same things; we are all in the same situation, but we each have a different perspective on how it is playing out.

We are all searching for the truth….

To quote Colson again, “What is true has never been a question to be decided by polls or popular opinion. Truth isn’t ‘democratic’ –it’s something that God has written into the very fabric of nature.”

We do not know how it will all play out…should businesses open? I can’t answer that.  Should we remain closed? I can’t answer that either. There isn’t a blanket fix.

Please pray that God will guide us to answers. But please don’t take someone else’s life or situation into your hands because you “just can’t do this anymore.”

Think about it this way…what if Jesus had come off the cross because he “just couldn’t do it anymore?”

“Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” – Ephesians 5:17

What is Normal?

Defined we see normal as two parts of the English language:

Normal – noun – the usual, average, or typical state or condition.

Normal – adj. – conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

But what does this mean for us? Well, looking at life today we can also see normal in a two-part existence.  There is the non-Christian normal and the Christian normal. Let’s dive into that for a moment.

The non-Christian normal leads us to understand the world in our pursuit of pleasure.  It’s the pleasure principle at work.  What do I mean by that? I mean that because we have a view of normal it is a pursuit of happiness that takes us down roads we should not be on.  These are the roads that lead us down paths of destruction that always seem fun, but the goal never can be achieved.  We always want more because there is nothing that can fulfill our pleasure.

This is why we see drugs, alcohol, and more that take deadly hold in people’s lives, because they just cannot understand how to overcome those things that the world tries to tell them is needed. Why? Because none of us want to be looked at as abnormal…but are we?

The Christian normal is one that leads us to pursue God’s purpose for our lives over pleasure. How does that act differently? Our priorities are different.  We no longer seek for the things that bring us temporary joy, we seek to fulfill the purpose that God has set for us. While appearing abnormal to the world, I would actually venture to say that this is the most normal thing we can be.

Think about it. When we want to use products that we buy we look to see what the purpose of that item is, and we apply the principles of that item to accomplish the purpose for which it was designed.  The owner’s manual was written by the designer to give us all the facts about it and show us the best ways to use it. We were designed by God, He is our designer, and therefore His purpose would be the most normal and natural way that we operate in this world. Even if it isn’t the way the world thinks that we should live.

How in the world can we do that? We overcome the personal insecurities that lead us to value the opinions of the world over the purposes of God in our lives. We pray, we study His manual for our lives through the scripture, and we pursue bringing purpose to our lives.

Instead of asking, “What can I do about this?” we ask, “What can be done to bring God honor and glory?” Instead of asking, “What do I need to accomplish this?” we ask, “What does God need from me to accomplish this purpose?”

That is it. That’s all. Look at 1 Peter 4:4, “They (the world) are surprised that you don’t join them in the same flood of wild living—and they slander you.” They consider you abnormal.

To the world, to be normal you have to pursue personal happiness through things that are sinful and only bring you to destruction. They consider you an oddball or a screwup when you don’t conform to their ways…but God created you, he designed you for a purpose, and truthfully the most normal and natural way we can live is in pursuit of that purpose for which we were created.

I challenge you, pursue your purpose; through God we may have pleasure or pain, but we will be fulfilled regardless. Our fulfillment will come because we are pursuing the place we were designed to be. Don’t let the misunderstandings of the world become the reasons you pursue pleasure over purpose.

“How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!” – Psalm 1:1 (CSB)